Welcome to my blog!
I am an engineer and a part-time video game designer. I first began creating video games in high school, developing little games on TI calculators for my friends, and I've been hooked ever since. I program in multiple languages; Java, C++, Basic, and a couple of PIC specific assembly languages, and I'm currently wasting time creating small games in Visual Basic for Excel.
Most recently I created a port of the popular board game Pandemic in Excel, and I also replicated the flash game Recordshop Tycoon (Without the physical placement portion of store layouts, I couldn't easily code in a way to allow drag and drop graphics that the game would check). Both games were mostly thought exercises, finding effective ways to code common game elements (like the AI of customers in Recordshop, or the GUI in Pandemic). With both games I ended up spending more time programming them than ever actually playing them.
I'm currently working on my first game that will actually be released. It's an adventure type game that is a combination of some of my favorite game elements. It has "army" recruitment and upgrading reminiscent of Final Fantasy Tactics or Pokemon, a combat system similar to Magic: The Gathering, and a world structure that is procedurally generated like the world of Minecraft. The game is being programmed in Java, specifically for Android devices.
Anywho, look forward to future posts about video games and Magic: The Gathering.
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